Not that I voluntarily try to keep up to date with what's going on, but I do still talk with a couple of nice JWs when I come across them, just because I don't have anything against them personally. It seems there was a big saga going on where I am, regarding the AGM. Some old faithful ones that you would expect to be in good standing had been turned down from attending with no further explanation, while some spoiled elders' bratty children who are of age and would have not qualified by own merit were allowed to attend.
Logic would tell you that those turned down because they were not with the in crowd would have had their eyes opened a little. However, as far as I've gathered it has made them think that they must be lacking in some way, or maybe their motives for working hard and being faithful all their JW life weren't correct, so they are now set on trying even harder to be “good christians”, and working doubly hard.
Shame on the GB and whoever was in charge of deciding who was worthy or well connected enough to attend. Not that I care, but I do feel for the few good people I know that felt hurt and unworthy because of this. And yes, I've been told that the Bibles caused an “us vs them” feeling in the following meeting, with AGM attenders being pedantic and smug.
Hopefully, some of the ones who have been made to feel unworthy by this whole AGM/non-proof-read-bible saga will stop to think about it and let the blinkers fall off.